How Long is a Conclusion in An Essay? Full Guide
It takes practice to figure out how long a conclusion should be, but there are plenty of pointers to help you along the way.
A strong conclusion paragraph is a key component of every excellent essay. You conclude the essay here by reiterating the major points you made. If your conclusion is too long, you might start introducing ideas that you ought to have discussed earlier in the essay. If it’s too brief, you might not accurately sum up your main points. You want something that is just the right length—not too long, not too short.
Three to five sentences make up a good conclusion paragraph. This should allow you to review your key ideas and major concepts succinctly without being too brief. In today’s guide, we’ll discuss how to write a conclusion paragraph and the recommended length.
How Long is a Conclusion in An Essay?
If your conclusion goes on for too long, you might begin introducing concepts that you ought to have covered earlier in the essay. If your essay is too short, you run the risk of misrepresenting your thesis. The perfect length falls between medium and short.
A strong conclusion paragraph typically contains three to five sentences. This should enable you to sum up your main points and key ideas without being overly compressed. The last paragraph of an essay is typically shorter than the introduction. It shouldn’t typically take up more than 10% to 15% of the text.
The Length of Each Part in an Essay
The Length of Different Kinds of Essays
The Length of Essays in Different Grades

How to Write a Great Conclusion?
There are three components of a great conclusion you should consider:
Restate Three Reasons
The last thing your reader will recall about your essay is its conclusion. Since you discussed three reasons in your essay, it is best to restate them in the conclusion for the reader’s benefit. In the body of your essay, you will explain each reason or topic. You’re just restating the arguments in your conclusion to serve as a final reminder.
Give a Thought Or Feeling into the Topic
Additionally, you can mention a particular idea or sentiment you had regarding the subject. This could be a continuation of the ideas you discussed in your main essay. Additionally, it might represent an innovative and fresh perspective on the three motives you discussed in the composition.
Related: How to End a College Essay?
Include An Ending Sentence
Your closing sentence conveys the reader’s attention-grabbing message. Include your essay’s main thesis statement here. A strong conclusion can make the difference between a good essay and a great one. Being as succinct as you can, going over your main points again, and summarizing your case in 3-5 sentences are the keys.
And here is the information about the essay length in 6th grade, 7th grade, and 8th grade.
What Should I Include in My Conclusion?
Every conclusion aims to accomplish three things: leave the reader with a lasting and favorable impression, tie the various parts of the essay’s argument together, and get the reader to reflect. But there are many different ways to get there.

There are many options for what to say in your conclusion. Here are a few to consider:
- an affiliation with your hook You can refer back to the hook you used at the beginning of the essay to draw the reader in at the conclusion. Did you start off with a question? Did you tell the beginning of a story? Please explain. Describe the outcome to them. A great way to start a paper is with a hook, and a clever way to end it is by skillfully tying it into your conclusion.
- An answer to the question “So what?” When you can’t think of what to say, pretend to be your reader and ask yourself, “So what?” The reader ought to have a clear understanding of your essay’s purpose by the time they get to the end. Why should they be interested in the argument you’ve been putting forth? Take your main idea and ask, “So what?” Then continue probing until you discover what your intended audience should take away most from what you have said.
- A solution or a request for the reader to come up with one. You can conclude your essay by providing a solution to any problems or issues that were raised in it. If it still doesn’t seem possible, you could conclude with suggestions that could lead people in the right direction.
- A poignant quote. Feel free to include a strong quote that gives your essay substance if you have one. However, it must be pertinent and tie your main points together (while also giving due credit to the author, of course).
What Should I Avoid in My Conclusion?
You don’t want to put all of your efforts into a strong introduction and outstanding body paragraphs only to blow it at the very end with an unfocused conclusion.
Be sure to avoid these common errors:
- your conclusion will be a repetition of your introduction. Even though it’s a good idea to restate your thesis or main points in the conclusion, make sure you rephrase your arguments and give them a slightly different perspective. You want to reflect on and connect to your opening, but you don’t want it to be exactly the same.
- introducing a brand-new concept in the conclusion for the first time. It’s very confusing to the reader if you introduce a brand-new idea at the end of the essay after you’ve organized your thoughts and made your points. Although it might seem like an intriguing turn, it’s really just a case of poor organization. Throughout the essay, keep your attention on the main contention, especially when you are bringing everything together.
- beginning your conclusion with dry phrases. In summary… In conclusion… These words, as well as similar ones, have no place in a conclusion paragraph. Let your words and ideas help the reader understand that you’re coming to a conclusion.
- Changing your tone. Your essay’s voice should be consistent from beginning to end. Don’t end your essay in a really conversational tone if your entire essay is very scientific. Avoid becoming overly grave and condemning in your conclusion if your tone is very casual, friendly, and welcoming. Whatever voice you use in the introduction should be amplified in the conclusion.
- Rambling. This is not the time to start listing random ideas or coming up with supporting information that really should have been covered in earlier paragraphs, so be concise. It’s also not the right moment to keep saying the same thing.

Why Does a Conclusion Paragraph Matter?
The final statement in the written argument is your conclusion. It can challenge the reader to open his mind to new concepts or inspire them to see things from a different perspective. It also links together all of the points you’ve made and serves as a reminder of everything the reader has just learned.
You should carefully consider how to end your essay so that readers will learn something valuable. Additionally, it should explain your subject in its entirety and show how each of the arguments you’ve presented in your essay relates to your main contention.
Final Words: How Long is a Conclusion in An Essay?
We sincerely hope you have enjoyed reading our advice on the appropriate length of the conclusion paragraph for an essay at your school. When putting an end to your essay, there are many factors to take into account. In order to leave readers with a favorable impression of what they just read, you should hit the highlights, elicit thought, and be engaging.
You only have one chance to wrap things up nicely for your reader. Make your conclusion succinct, thought-provoking, and powerful.
How Long Should the Conclusion Be in a 3000-Word Essay?
Your conclusion should be around 10% of your word count. There is never a circumstance in which cutting words from your essay’s conclusion will be advantageous.
How Long Should a Conclusion Be in a 1000-Word Essay?
Conclusion paragraphs are about 5% of your essay word count (e.g. about 50 or so words per 1000-word essay).