Do You Need a Degree to Homeschool? Things To Know
For more information on factors to take into account when choosing an educational setting for your children, continue reading.
One of the practical questions I hear a lot from people who are considering homeschooling or switching from public school to homeschooling is this: Do I need a degree to homeschool my children? No, is the short answer.
In the US, there is not a single state where homeschooling is prohibited without a degree. A high school diploma or GED is nevertheless required in some states. To find out if this is necessary for your state, it’s crucial to review the homeschooling laws there.
Please continue reading to learn more.
Do You Need a Degree to Homeschool?
Although homeschooling is not mandated by federal law in the United States, some states do have laws that restrict it.
For example, some states like New York require parents to be “competent” to homeschool. Other states, such as North Carolina, Georgia, and Tennessee, only allow parents with a high school diploma or GED to homeschool their children. The educational requirements may, however, be waived in certain situations if you reside in one of these states but fall short of them in terms of education.
It’s interesting that Washington requires parents of homeschooled children to have either a certain number of college credits or to have completed a course in home education. However, the majority of the US, including Texas, Illinois, and Florida, do not have any restrictions on whether or not parents who wish to homeschool are qualified.

Consequently, in order to be eligible to homeschool your child, you may need to satisfy certain state requirements. Spend some time thoroughly investigating these.
Further Reading:
All You Need to Homeschool Your Child
So, what do you need to homeschool apart from meeting your state’s requirements? Here are eight things you must have to be qualified to teach your child:
A Deep Desire for Providing What’s Best for Your Child
Love for your child and a desire for their personal development are the first requirements for being a successful homeschool parent. This is the foundation for everything else in the homeschooling process. You’re probably already on the right path to homeschooling, as the majority of parents possess these qualities naturally.
A Willingness to Fail
The harsh reality that not everything will be perfect from the start can be difficult for new homeschool parents to accept.
Many people view their first year of homeschooling as a sort of trial. It’s crucial to experiment with various homeschooling resources, identify your child’s learning preferences, and investigate educational activities during this period.
Because every homeschooling family is different, it’s important to give things some time to see what works and what doesn’t.
Undoubtedly, one of the many advantages of homeschooling is the freedom to tailor your curriculum. Be prepared to fail at the aspects of your home school that are not working in order to implement positive changes.

A Commitment to Your Child’s Education
You need to be prepared to devote yourself to homeschooling in order to succeed. As previously mentioned, the first year is frequently a time for experimenting to see what works and what doesn’t. So, don’t enter your first year of homeschooling with the mindset that you’ll just “try it out and see how it goes.”
An Eagerness to Learn Alongside Your Child
You’ll reclaim your own education as one of the many advantages of homeschooling your child. To put it another way, you must be willing to re-learn material that you may have forgotten from your elementary, middle, and high school years if you want to successfully teach your child.
You have another necessary requirement to homeschool your child if you’re willing to learn alongside them as well as teach them.
A Yearning to Know Your Child
Unfortunately, many parents of children attending traditional schools only get to see them at night, on weekends, and during school breaks. Therefore, it stands to reason that spending quality time as a family is a common reason why parents decide to homeschool their children.
You will have the opportunity to get to know your child very well if you homeschool them, which is uncommon in today’s society.
A Consistent, Detailed Roadmap

Although having the proper internal motivations and traits is where homeschool success begins, there are also a number of external resources required.
You must first have a plan for your home school. There is room for experimentation, but you’ll need to decide what educational model to use, what books and resources to use when, and what subjects to study.
A Proven Homeschool Curriculum
Naturally, a homeschool curriculum is also required. What should you specifically look for in a homeschool curriculum, given the vast array of options available?
You might want to think about a flexible and customizable homeschool curriculum because every family is unique. In other words, choose one that will let you modify the subjects, resources, and coursework to better suit the needs of your family without causing havoc with your homeschool.

Support from Other Homeschool Families
Finally, you will require assistance from other families who homeschool.
Homeschooling cannot be done alone, in actuality. Seeking connection, support, and advice from other homeschool families is crucial, whether you decide to join a local Classical Conversations community, a homeschool co-op, or simply meet formally with other families in your area or online.
G.E.D. Or Diploma Required
Even though homeschooling laws are uniform across most states, some do not. Many states demand that the parent in charge of the child’s education possess a high school diploma or a G.E.D.
Simply assisting a child with their homework requires that the parent has that degree or certification. Since most schools now offer online instruction, many of them are amenable to discussions about whether or not the parent needs credentials.
When a Degree is Required
When a parent cannot provide an acceptable diploma or G.E.D., a degree is necessary. certification. It is not necessary for the degree to be in education, but the holder of the degree must oversee all lessons and activities in the classroom.
A parent or other adult is frequently required to explain or teach a lesson to a child, so most states have laws requiring it. The supervisor can take over the lesson without confusing the child if the parent lacks the necessary knowledge.
Final Verdict: Be Your Child’s Best Teacher
To educate your children at home, you are not required to hold a degree in education. Indeed, a study by the National Home Education Research Institute found no correlation between a parent’s teaching credentials and their child’s academic performance when they homeschool them.
Each state has its own laws and guidelines regarding what counts as a legitimate homeschool, though. If you’re thinking about homeschooling your kids, the first thing you should do is learn about the regulations in your state to make sure you abide by them.
Can I Homeschool If I’m Not Smart?
To teach, you don’t need to be an expert. But to successfully homeschool your children, you don’t have to be an expert in every field. Homeschooling is a viable option if you are committed to learning alongside your child.
Does IQ Have to Do With School?
Children who have a higher early IQ are more likely to stay in school longer, according to a meta-analysis in the journal Psychological Science.